Carcass Island
A long and very scenic flight from Stanley saw us arrive at Carcass Island, a wonderful location which combines a working farm (with a dairy!) with many conservation friendly projects that are restoring the original habitat in a number of key locations. As there are no rats the bird life is amazing. The food was fantastic and the warmth of the welcome exceptional.
Our first afternoon was simply spent next to the pier, just down a short track from the lodge. Sometimes the best plan is to sit tight and let things happen around you and that was the case here.
Cobb’s Wren - an endemic bird species found only on a few islands in the Falklands
Black Oystercatcher
Magellanic Oystercatcher
Long-tailed MeadowLark
Carcass is particularly well-known for its large population of Striated Caracaras, with gather mob-handed on the beach and show little fear of anything. Turkey Vultures were in evidence too.
The shock of the wildness of Carcass, despite obviously being a working farm, was something we hadn’t anticipated before coming to the Falklands, and was something we would experience again and again, during our stay.